Taste and Train

Back to School Nutrition Tips!

Posted: September 4, 2015
Whole foods

Hey everyone, can you believe it’s already September, the time of the year when the kids go back to school! While we can all breathe a sigh of relief that the kids can go back to a more productive daily routine, coming up with healthy lunch and snack ideas can sometimes become a real struggle. So here are a few tips to pack healthy, nutritious food for the kids all year around.

  1. It all starts with a hearty breakfast: Studies show that kids who eat breakfast function better in school, have more energy and fewer behavioral issues. Good breakfast choices include eggs, oatmeal, whole grain toast, fruits and yogurt.
  1. Provide a rainbow of colors in their snack and lunch boxes: Fruits and vegetables are not only rich in fibre but are also full of essential vitamins and minerals. Stock up on carrots, cucumbers, apples, grapes and bananas and switch them around to provide essential nutrients while preventing boredom.
  1. Include all macro ingredients: Focus on balanced meals including proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Good choices include lean chicken or turkey, fish, whole grain toast and brown rice. While nuts and nut butters are not allowed in school due to anaphylactic concerns, hummus and guacamole are excellent dips to dunk vegetables in.
  1. Avoid or limit processed, packaged foods: Pre-packaged granola bars, cookies and juice boxes are full of refined sugar. Similarly, processed meats like hot dogs and cold cuts are loaded with nitrites and can sometimes carry harmful bacteria. Instead, include fresh, whole foods in your grocery list and plan lunches and snacks ahead of time to prevent unhealthy eating habits. Getting the kids involved while preparing their meals is another good way to ensure they eat their meals in school.
  • And most importantly remind them to stay hydrated even in winter: Consuming adequate liquids during the day is an essential component in keeping energy levels up. Remind kids to develop a habit of drinking water evenly throughout the day, even in winter months when heating and warm clothing can create a very dry atmosphere.

You can check out my blog for some healthy snack ideas for both kids and adults. Please note: You can skip the nuts if you plan to send them to school.

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